Our Location

657 Maine Ave, Farmingdale Maine Store C.

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Learn About Us

We Are Quality Laundry Provider In Your City

We adopt a new and inventive strategy to two of life’s every day tasks: washing and cleaning. We are a practical, earth cognizant business, with a mission to keep garments clean while not disregarding your wellbeing, and that of our planet. Our areas are perfect vitality controlled, and our high-effectiveness washers spare a lot of water and power.

Quality Laundry Service

Express Fast Delivery

Highly Professional Staff

100% Satisfaction Gguarantee

Our Services

What We Offer

Dry Cleaning

Wash & Laundry

Curtain Laundry

Suits Cleaning

Our Features

Why Choose Us

We utilize just non-poisonous, biodegradable, sans phosphate cleansers, making our wash and overlap totally ok for you and the earth. Our eco cordial cleaning process does without the standard business harmful solvents, making it the most advantageous, most secure approach to think about your dry-clean-just things.


Years Expereince


Expert Worker


Happy Clients


Dry Cleaning


Years Experience

Fat Toad's Laundromat

Laundry workers oversee or operate dry-cleaning machines or washing machines for industrial or household items.

Get In Touch

657 Maine Ave, Farmingdale Maine Store C.


